Summer Bucket List 2021

Music Monsters Summer Club

For most kids, we are just reaching the end of the second week of the Summer Holidays. 2 weeks down, 4 to go!

How are you getting on? Have you used up all of your inspiration, or do you still have a bank of ideas? Just in case you’re in need of a little helping hand, check out the following list of 50 things you could do this summer:

1) Visit a new park
2) Hit the beach
3) Go to a museum
4) Join The Reading Agency Summer Challenge
5) Camp out in the garden
6) Get up really early and watch the sunrise
7) Visit a National Trust property
8) Watch a live show
9) Do a random act of kindness together
10) Bake something of your child’s choice
11) Have a YES day – ask your child what they want to do and say YES
12) Toast marshmallows over a fire
13) Build a den
14) Listen to music in the dark
15) Go to the zoo
16) Take part in a Music Monsters’ Summer Club class
17) Watch the favourite film of everybody in your house
18) Find a new adventure playground
19) Find a book of fairy stories to read together
20) Go to a farmer’s market
21) Go on a boat ride
22) Learn a new skill
23) Share your dreams of things you would love to do
24) Do something for charity
25) Go to the cinema
26) Write a poem together
27) Cook a 3 course meal
28) Wish upon a star
29) Learn a new dance
30) Go on a picnic
31) Go swimming
32) Visit an art gallery
33) Make homemade ice cream
34) Learn to count to 10 in another language
35) Make a fruit salad
36) Feed the ducks
37) Go rock climbing
38) Ride a horse/pony
39) Visit a farm
40) Send a care package
41) Plant a tree
42) Ask grandparents or similar to tell stories about their life
43) Complete a difficult puzzle
44) Make a scrap book
45) Go trampolining
46) Have a games night
47) Go out for ice cream
48) Fly a kite
49) Dance in the rain
50) Visit an aquarium

I hope this helps!

What is on your list??